KeyPile Logo

Dawson Key-Piles are produced by re-working standard sheet pile profiles. By this process of "compressing" profiles into nearly half of their "as rolled" width it is possible to almost double the modulus per metre but without increase in depth of profile. This is not efficient in the use of steel but if a Property Developer can reduce a basement wall thickness from 1080mm to 480mm for the same modulus the available rental space has increased by 600mm on all wall faces. This makes a significant increase in rentable floor space and is worth considerably more in financial terms than steel efficiency.


Dawson Key-Piles can be installed in many ground conditions using silent, vibrationless pressing equipment together with suitable ground treatment. Having re-worked standard profiles into Key-Piles a new feature arises in the form of a dovetail profile. Concrete can now be cast directly onto the face of the sheet piles without having to rely on shear connectors.


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KeyPile Dims



Maximum Modulus - 4,800cm3/m



Dawson Key Pile
Maximum Modulus - 9,600cm3/m
with zero increase in wall thickness.
Ideal for building basements


Concrete Corrosion Protection

Concrete Corrosion Protection

Rubber Abbrasion Resistance

Rubber Abbrasion Resistance

Below low water tie rod connection

Below Low Water Tie Rod Connection

Super Modulus 50,000cm3/m

Super Modulus - 50,000cm3/m